Sunday, November 15, 2009

7 months

Colin is now seven months. He is ball of fun right now. He grabs at everything he is near. He is on the verge of crawling. He gets up on his hands and knees, but just hasn't gotten it yet. He is very vocal now a days, he can say Da-da (which Sean loves). Colin is such a blessing to us, he is such a wonderful baby and getting more personality every day.

Colin loves to play

He makes some of the funniest faces

Colin will play in his "bounce bounce baby" toy for well over an hour and love every moment of it.

Percy continues to think the blankets are laid out for him

Colin and Daddy watching some Florida football

Colin played with this empty soda bottle for almost 2 hours one night.

Don't we all wish we were entertained so easily?

Colin spending some time with his great-grandparents, Papa O and Granny Dotty

Colin and Papa O

"Hamming" it up with sweet face for the camera

Colin and Granny Dotty


Josh and LB said...


Colin sure has gotten big and boy is he a cutie. I love his chubby little cheeks, blonde hair, and blue eyes. Can't go wrong with that! :-) Also, your grandparents look SO young--that's crazy! :-) Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday time together!

carol said...

MY grandbaby is so doggone cute. He is coming into his own personality and looks each and everyday. He has such a gorgeous smile and is never crancky unless something is wrong. But I did see that "White" temper and determination last nite when he wants the remote he wants the remote. So give it to him. Gram loves y aweet boy...