Sunday, April 8, 2012

Spring Break

The beginning of our spring break, we went to Nashville to visit Ryan, Keeley, and kids and to see friends from Lipscomb. We enjoyed playing outside with all the kiddos, and hanging out relaxing with family and friends. This was a great trip for us, both kids were good in the car riding there and back! These few pics are after church that Sunday, Colin and Maddox were still dressed up and looked so cute in their spring clothes. Maddox was more cooperative than Colin, lately C doesn't want his pics taken . . . this is irritating to this mama, as I am sure you can imagine ;)

All five cousins!
Reed, Braden, and Colin 3 yrs
Kiley 2 yrs
Maddox 5 mos

Maddox was great about just chilling outside while the "older" ones played. M is my chill baby, an answered prayer for sure!

Can you find Colin?

Colin and daddy enjoying the scooter . . . they weren't going very fast, mommy made sure of that!

Breakfast time one morning, all the kids were eating some cereal and watching cartoons. They all look sweet and innocent in these, but this was the calm before the storm ;)
The kids played pretty good together, it was for sure loud, busy, funny, and overwhelming all in one! As they get older I know that they will really be able to enjoy each other, and the fact that they are all so close in age. We had a great time and are so thankful that we got to spend time with Ryan and Keeley and the kids.

Lunch play date with Julie and Emery Claire! We really had a great time hanging at the mall with Julie and Emery. The kids played at the play place and we had chicfila for lunch. Julie and I decided that we definitely could get used to this . . . I miss my friend very much, but I am so thankful that when we are together it's like we were never apart!

Colin and daddy riding around on the gator while Reed and Braden were at school :)

Maddox doing her thing . . . SMILING!

Our last night in Nashville, we went to dinner with some of our friends. It was a great time visiting with Blake, Julie, Emery, Stephen, and Jill. We love being able to get together with our Lipscomb buddies and see how are numbers are continually growing . . . we keep adding kids :) Julie will be having their second baby the end of August. Because of vacations, we didn't get to see some our other friends but hopefully we can get together with them next time.

During spring break you have to do some spring cleaning, so I decided I need to clean the car. So of course this meant that Colin got to play with the water hose and the soapy bubbles ;)

The next 2 pics are out of order, but C for sure sprayed himself in the face . . . He wasn't a fan!

Helping mommy by filling up the bucket, continually ;)

The rest of our spring break we spent just hanging out at home, enjoy our family.

My beautiful baby girl! I am so in love with her, she is precious and so sweet . . . there really aren't words.

We went shopping in Foley with PawPaw and NeNe. It was a gorgeous day and Colin enjoyed some time at the kids park in Foley, and we all enjoyed just strolling around the outlet mall. Overall a nice trip, with some very cute clothes being the product of this excursion!

C's new batman crocs! (Love at first sight)

Maddox just chilling on the floor playing being precious and smiling! She's got the best and sweetest smile in the world, LOVE it!!
(The funny thing is when M is on the floor Percy has to come and be a part of her play time. He lays right beside her and just chills himself and watches her. He really is a good dog for my babies, he never bothers them or licks them, he never tries to chew their toys or even do more than smell them. He does like to be in their presence which is so sweet, and he even puts up with Colin's craziness when he gets in a mood where he feels like he needs to bother the Per. If we could get the barking under control it would be perfect ;) Love you Percy!)

1 comment:

Dee said...

I love your spring break post! The Nashville trip pictures look like so much fun. Sweet memories of Colin and Maddox with their cousins.