Friday, August 27, 2010

August Fun!

Colin's first day at Gateway Christian Preschool, August 2010. Colin is doing great in Miss Janet's class. He is worn out in the afternoons and we are working on his new nap schedule. After school daddy is taking Colin to PawPaw and Granny's house until mommy gets done at work. We are praying that Colin gets used to this new schedule soon. :)

Daddy snuck this picture while Colin wasn't looking, he is eating some cookies. (no surprise there! ;>)
On the way to Granny's after preschool, he was out!

Getting a family picture after church one morning. Colin is getting better about smiling again for pics. We tell him to say "Cheese!" and he does with a smile. It is so cute!

So my boy loves him some food! He would eat all the time if we would let him. He always wants a "BITE!" as he says :) Here he is enjoying some yogurt for snack one afternoon.

Look how clean the spoon is!

I love his sweet smile!

Colin likes to sit in his old high chair, on the floor. He especially likes to eat a "bite" in the chair while he watches his shows.

Popcorn! We have learned that Colin loves popcorn. One day I got him some while we were shopping at Target and since then he loves to eat it. He and daddy were having popcorn while they watched their movie. So cute!

We had 2 birthday parties to attend in August. Both the parties involved water, which of course is right up Colin's alley!

Colin enjoying the slip-n-slide at Bella's party.

I love this one! He wanted to drink the water :)

Colin and daddy in the pool at Luke's party.

What a big boy swimming in the pool!

Colin, Joey, and Bella
Colin spends time with all the big kids (3 and above) at church, so he thinks he is SO BIG!

All the kiddos at Luke's birthday.

Colin, mommy, and daddy at Flounder's, on the pier. Colin loved being outside, looking at the water, and playing on the big playground in the sand. We had a great time with the youth group for dinner!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

16 months!

(2 posts!)
Colin Matthew is 16 months old now. He is a ball of energy. The above picture embodies Colin's personality! He is full of joy and excitement all the time. He talks and laughs. He says probably 25 plus words, no phrases yet. He runs around and plays non-stop! He loves his daddy. He is in a new stage where he likes to wrestle, if you are sitting on the ground, be prepared to get tackled! :) He is definitely full of mischief!

I love his sweet smiling face!

Colin loves to eat! He knows that food and drinks comes from the frig. If he is hungry or wants to eat or drink something, he says "cookie." That means I want food or drink. It is pretty cute. :)

Colin has a sweet tooth and loves desert, especially ice cream. He was enjoying a milkshake with Pops!

Colin has already gotten to his independent stage and doesn't want help from mommy or anyone for that matter. So example A, feeding himself applesauce with a spoon.

This is the end product after eating a nutra-grain bar.

Enjoying popsicles after swimming.

Colin decided one night that he wanted to play in this duffle bag.

He was telling me "bye-bye!"

He got really upset when daddy put him down.

"Daddy I love your shoes!"

Happy Birthday, Paw Paw Terry!