Christmas Eve Paw Paw and Granny came over for dinner and a Cajun Christmas story. Colin wasn't as into the story as last year, but the tradition continues. Don't you love my boy's reindeer PJs!
Christmas morning! I was so excited to see Colin's reaction this year. He is so fun and actually knew that Santa was coming to bring presents. I couldn't hardly sleep. His reaction was worth my non-sleep!
Colin didn't even care about the trike, it was all about Woody ;) It was hard to get him interested in any of the other presents, I pretty much opened them for him. But what else did we expect, he loves Toy Story!
After we did Santa, we got dressed and went to Mama Dee & Pop's house for Christmas brunch. Colin was excited to open more presents, but all the toys, noise, and craziness put him on sensory over load! C got pretty cranky and hard to deal with for a while, we were worried but he mellowed out and we ended up having a wonderful Christmas day!
New nikes from Dee and Pops, Colin loves his new shoes, which he calls daddy shoes (he thinks he is big like daddy)
Opening up his new Mickey airplane from Dee and Pops, he was so excited . . . but got really upset that the Mickey was attached to airplane and couldn't come out!
(he's playing one of them right now while I work on the blog ;)
This was during the cranky phase, he was so whinny and getting upset way too easy. So we put in Toy Story on the dvd player and he watched it and calmed down! Thank you Lord!
Before we went home for a nap, we tried to snag some photo ops :)
The Whites
Sean, Sheena, & Colin Matthew
Christmas 2010
Nana and Granddaddy came over for brunch, along with Aunt Donna, Uncle Jeff, & Jeffrey. We had a great brunch, all the food was yummy. Thanks Dee and Pops!!!
After our nap, we continued the Christmas festivities at Paw Paw and Granny's house. This is Colin new tunnel, he played in it all night!
Buzz & Woody had to play too! These were different from the Buzz & Woody Colin had gotten from Santa and Mommy and Daddy. They are soft, Colin has been sleeping with them ever since, and of course Bubbas and Mickey. His bed is getting pretty full! ;)
Colin and Daddy playing in the tent that attached to the tunnel. Thanks Paw Paw and Granny for these toys!
A couple of days after Christmas, we headed to Nashville for Youth in Action. This trip always gives us (when I say us, I mean, Colin and I) time to see friends and cousins! The two full days we were there we saw my friends Julie, Courtney, and Jessie and there babies Emery, Noland, and Sam. We were able to have lunch and visit at Courtney's house, it was great to catch up and see each other's kids. Colin is the oldest, so we were practicing sharing and being soft :) But when I thought about getting some pics the babies had other ideas, so there are no pictures to chronicle this memory but maybe next time. So glad to see these ladies, they are so special to me!
We did get to hang out with Keeley and the kids. Colin and I spent the whole morning/ early afternoon with the cousins. Colin and the boys played great together, they are much better at sharing than C was, but we are practing! He got better as the day went on ;) Colin did a great job with Kylie, he was sweet to her. Below is sweet Kylie Reese, she was so calm and content the whole day, I was impressed!
Sean was able to see Reed, Braden, and Kylie for a few minutes when he came to pick Colin and I up. Reed was being shy, so Uncle Sean was trying to get him to warm up a little bit. Reed and Braden are both sweet boys, but they are boys and play like it! Colin loved being around his cousins and getting to play :)
So of course, we have to try and get a pic of the cousins, but with this many kids you can't hardly get them all looking at the camera and smiling at the same time! But oh well, we tried.
We had a wonderful Christmas holiday. Sean and I are so thankful for the many blessings that God has given us. We aren't deserving of our abundance, but we are GRATEFUL!!! We were able to spend time with family and friends, and make many new memories. The biggest blessing of all is Colin Matthew, he made this Christmas amazing. Colin is a joy! He showed us the pure joy of a child, just like the pure joy that Jesus Christ brings. We hope that your holiday was as joyful as ours was, Merry Christmas!