Saturday, January 23, 2010

9 months and more!

Colin is 9 months plus now. He weighs 20 lbs 10 oz and is 28 1/2 inches long. Colin recently got tubes put in both of his ears, because of many many ear infections and fluid staying on his ears. The surgery went great and Colin is doing pretty good! Colin Matthew is a baby boy full of energy and excitement, he is into everything (especially what he shouldn't be- i.e. Percy's food and water bowl, the entertainment center, and anything else that a baby shouldn't touch)! Colin got his 2 bottom teeth the week of Christmas and he is now cutting his top 4 teeth, so needless to say he is having some discomfort at times. Colin is also pulling up on everything and walking behind his push toy lion (Thanks Uncle Ryan and Aunt Keeley). Colin is keeping us on our toes for sure!!

Colin at his 9 month check up with Dr. Klein. He was in rare form that day :)

Mommy loves Colin and Colin loves Mommy!!

Sweet baby boy :)

Samuel Day 2009
Gateway Church of Christ

We have a day dedicated to our babies at church called Samuel Day. Parents are asked to commit to raising their babies in a Christ centered home. The babies are introduced to the church and called up on stage. This was a special day for our family!

New things on the block!
1. brushing teeth- Colin has teeth now, so we have recently started brushing. He likes to chew on the tooth brush and eat the "training" toothpaste :)

2. table foods- Colin has started eating some tables foods: mash potatoes, french fries, chicken, cereal, graham crackers, and cheese. He was showing his graham cracker!

3. getting into everything- Colin crawls everywhere and he is FAST! One day he decided that the dvds needed rearranging . . .

so he pulled them all out!

4. big boy car seat- Colin is now in a big boy car seat instead of the infant carrier. He will get to turn around in his new seat when he is a year old.

Some extra pics . . . .

eating a lemon- he actually really liked it!

playing in his toy basket

eating a cucumber- he ate 3 slices from Sean's salad at the Oar House


carol said...

What a cutie and so photogenic. Mom he was learning his likes and dislikes of movies. He wants disney and sesame street. Yours don't count wait till he learns to put them in the dvd. He already thinks the remote is his. They are born with a gene that says remote,electronics,and phones. Girls don't get them and even if they do Guys rule over them. He is a doll and with the teeth he will be testing them out. love ya all. gram

Dee said...

Those pictures are priceless. We are making precious memories of Colin. He is full of personality and so much fun. I love the post.