Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall time fun!

The weather is cooling off a little here, so we are trying to enjoy the outdoors or "OUSIDE!!!" as my son says. Colin loves the park by our house, we have been going a few times a week. I love him in this little hoodie :)

Colin's favorite thing at the park is the slide. He is super independent and wants no help from anyone. Sean and I tried to help him out on this particular day, but he wanted to do it himself. He is becoming so big! (tear)

Colin sliding all by himself!

Colin playing at the park with PawPaw and Daddy, one Saturday morning.

Random pic! Jo Jo and I matched one Wednesday night at church, definite photo opp ;>)

Colin snacking on some yogurt bites at church, we were waiting for the other kids to come to class.

Cheese it for Mommy after a diaper change this Sunday.

What a happy boy! I love him so much and feel so blessed to have a son that is definitely a mama's boy (for now anyway)!!

We got to spend the day with the Mankins, in Destin, this past week. It was so nice hanging out with some of our favorite people :>) Colin really took to Courtney ("Ourtney" as he said) and I got some snuggle time with baby Noland. For sure an even trade, very fun day!

Colin got a surprise from Jo Jo recently . . . .

a singing and dancing Mickey Mouse!!!!!

If you know Colin Matthew, you know that he LOVES certain things . . . his paci, his Bubbas, outside, Percy, and of course Mickey Mouse! We watch Mickey in the mornings and in the car, we watch Mickey OnDemand when Colin is cranky or tired, we read Mickey books and wear Mickey shirts. If it is about Mickey, then Colin is about it!!! Good call, Jo Jo ;>)

Thanks Jo Jo!!!!!!


Keeley White said...

Too cute! Tina just bought Charley that same Mickey Mouse for Xmas...its like the "hot" item this year!
As far as the boys' birthday, I have no idea what they need:-) They do not need any more trucks!! I have no idea what we are going to get them either..they are pretty much content just runnning around playing especially outside. Sorry I am not much help!

carol said...

Well their goes one present back to the north pole. But still got one that I know no one is giving him. Ain't it great when good minds think alike. He tells me everyday, now he wants to watch mickey mouse. So he does love him. Trying to get him into faggle rock but not enough music and moving fast for him. maybe next yr. His daddy loved the fraggles. Hes such a good little boy.