Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Maddox Joanne is here!

39 wks
This pic was taken the day before Maddox was born.

Maddox Joanne was scheduled to be induced Oct. 24, Sean and I had to be at Sacred Heart at midnight. I was hooked up to the pitocin (sp) and an IV to get my contractions in a regular pattern. This was my second induction, so we were thinking it would be fast. Sean and I tried to get some sleep but that wasn't really working ;) At about 4 am I gave up and turned on the TV, I was having contractions but they weren't too bad. Dr. Hoffman came a little before 7am and broke my water. Once this happen things really took off, I really considered this the start of my induction. The contractions were getting super intense and close together, so it was epidural time. With Colin I had gotten my epidural and then I was able to take a nap until pushing time, but Maddox was another story. Once I was given the epidural my left side immediately went numb, but I could still feel everything on my right side. So the nurse had me lay on my right side to get the medicine to move that direction. It worked and I was in no pain for about 45 minutes, then something happened . . . I began feeling extreme pain from the contractions in my lower abdomen (everything else was numb). So the nurse began moving me into different positions, the anestiseologist (sp) came multiple times to adjust my meds, but nothing was working! I felt like I was on FIRE and I wasn't prepared for that feeling, so I did all I could do and that was BREATHE and squeeze the life out of Sean's hand and the bed rail. Dr. Hoffman came in during this and decided to check my progress, I was 10 cm and it was time to meet baby girl. At this time the anestiseologist (sp) did something that worked and the "on FIRE feeling" subsided. I pushed for about 15 minutes and then we met our baby girl!

Maddox Joanne was born October 24, 2011 @ 11:26 am. She was 8 lbs 7 oz and 20 3/4 inches. My beautiful baby girl with chunky cheeks, her brothers nose, mouth, and chin, blue eyes, and a head full of BROWN hair!

Mommy and daddy are so happy to have her here!

Colin meeting his sister . . . this was the sweetest sight! Colin had been hanging out with Pops all morning and then came to the hospital when baby sister arrived. He was so sweet and excited. Colin loves, loves his baby sister :)

Mommy and her two babies. So unbelievably blessed! Thank you Lord!

Jo Jo, mommy, Maddox, and Dee

Aunt Donna loving on baby girl

Proud grandparents and mama!

Proud big brother looking at Maddox in the nursery while she was getting all cleaned up!

Jo Jo and Scoot Scoot love baby girl already!

Maddox Joanne has Pops and Dee wrapped ;)

PawPaw and NeNe are wrapped, too!

Jo Jo spent this night with us at the hospital and was a huge help. It was wonderful having my sister there to help and laugh with me! We love you Jo Jo, thanks!!
(My mom stayed the other night and helped, thanks Dee)

Our first family picture :)
The Whites
Sean, Sheena, Colin Matthew, and Maddox Joanne

Baby girl's sweet face at the hospital

Daddy with his two babies, and big brother loving on sister :)

Thank you everyone who came to see us at the hospital!
Stacy, Jennifer, Tracy, Martha, Ms. Debbie, Mary Beth, Derek, and Page
(I didn't get a pic of everyone, I tried!)

Dr. Hoffman (my wonderful doctor)

1 comment:

Dee said...

What a teary post. We are all so blessed to have Maddox here. The pictures of her and Colin are just precious. I'm so thankful for my wonderful Grandchildren.