Friday, April 13, 2012

Spring time fun

Gateway Church Egg Hunt
Colin Matthew and Maddox Joanne found the Easter Bunny!

Colin hunting eggs :) 3 years old is a great age for this, C was all about getting those eggs! It was hysterical watching him. Each one he picked up, he had to shake to make sure something was in it. Gotta get that candy!!

I love these 2 pics :) Look at my eggs, mommy!!!

Colin and his buddy Alyssa, they are too stinking sweet together!

Alyssa, Colin, Connor, and Abbey Grace

Beulah School Carnival
We had our school carnival the last weekend in March, same day as the egg hunt. (that day was a no nap day, but we survived, luckily ;) My mom came to help me with the kids, since Sean wasn't back from Panama. Our PTA puts on an awesome carnival. There are games, prizes, food, treats, baskets with lots of amazing goodies that are auctioned off, and kids everywhere! Both of my kids were great, we only planned to be at the carnival for about an hour. But we ended up staying for over 2 hours. Colin had fun, especially with getting to eat ice cream and cotton candy!

Colin with some major ice cream on his face and sweet Maddox just chilling in the stroller :>) Love my babies!

C had to climb up on this and jump off, such a boy ;)

Random pics of my beautiful Maddox Joanne- 5 mos

Random pics of my all boy Colin Matthew- 3 yrs

1 comment:

Dee said...

I love your post, Sheena. Great pictures of Colin and Maddox with the Easter Bunny.