Saturday, June 30, 2012


Spring is going strong! Colin is 3 years old and Maddox is 6 mos old!
They both love to play and are great about playing in the living room and keeping themselves pretty entertained. Especially if brother remembers to be sweet to his sister ;) Maddox loves her bouncer and will play in it for a long time, she loves to jump, jump, jump and gets so excited!!!

We had a cool front come through one day, which gave us a perfect evening for the park by our house. Colin loves, loves to play at the park and Maddox really enjoyed her first time in the swings. It was a great time!


Colin loves to get on the floor and play with Maddox. He is great big brother, 99% of the time, until he forgets that she's a baby. But overall he is very sweet and loving to her. He always wants to help in some way, like get a diaper for me or pick up her paci if she drops it. He will tell you that Maddox is HIS baby!! It makes my heart happy that he loves her so much!!!!

Sean got a new toy! Colin loves daddy's tractor and always has to catch a ride after daddy finishes mowing ;>)

Maddox is eating cereal with bananas and drinking some water, along with trying out some sweet potatoes. She still nurses and continues to do great with that.

At Maddox's 6 mos check up, Dr. Foland said she was a perfect little baby girl and I use the word little loosely ;) She was 19 lbs 1.2oz (90th percentile) and 26.1 in (75th percentile). As you can tell she is a rollie pollie for sure, but we love all that chunky baby fat!! Maddox Joanne has 2 teeth in the bottom, she can sit up, she can roll around all over the floor, she loves to jump if you hold her up or if she's in her bouncer, she laughs and smiles all the time, she thinks her brother is especially funny and watches him like a hawk, she babbles and throws in a few dadadadas but not really talking to her daddy, she likes dogs and laughs at Percy, Zeus, Solitaire, and Zeta. She is always happy even when she's sick, she rarely cries and is such a blessing to our family! God knew what he was doing when he made Maddox :)

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