Wednesday, September 3, 2014

It's that time . . . back to school 2014

Meet the teacher at Graysville Elementary and kindergarten screening August 2014
Colin and Mrs. Faulkenberry

Colin's First Day of Kindergarten!!!
C had a great first day of K. He was nervous going in, but no tears! The first 2 days of school were 1/2 days, when I came to pick him up he was reading a dinosaur book in the reading corner :) We started the tradition of ice cream after school on the first day. The kiddos loved it!

Maddox wasn't sure at first about her Bubba not being there. She asked about him a lot the first few days. Sean and I took her on a donut date the second day, after we dropped C off at school. M made sure we got her brother a donut, which he enjoyed after school that afternoon :)

Colin's first week went great. He struggled a little in the middle, but ended the week perfectly. It might have helped that on Friday mommy was at school helping his teacher with decodable books, and she ate lunch with him ;) He's doing a great job into his third week of K now, he has made friends and likes school . . . . even though he says he only likes gym, the library, lunch, and the playground!

Colin decided he wanted to ride the bus because a friend in his class rides and lives in our neighborhood. I was happy because the car rider line was ridiculous, and the bus gets home 20 minutes before we were getting home when I picked him up!! (another plus, I don't have to wake M up from her nap to go get him, she gets to sleep!)

While Bubba's at school, it's just me, Maddox, and Percy. M still asks about C at least once a day, but she loves being able to play with WHATEVER she wants ;) We are adjusting to our new normal, and are enjoying it!

 We are excited to watch Colin grow this year, and we know he's going to do awesome!!!!! 

1 comment:

Dee said...

Thanks for the post of Colin starts school. I can't believe he is old enough.