Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas party time!

We had the EBY middle and high school Christmas parties on the same night, but the kids and I only went to middle school party. It was the first one, and that was all we could handle ;) We had a great time celebrating Christmas with our  EBY middle schoolers!

Colin's Class Party
Colin's Kindergarten Christmas Party was awesome! He was so excited about giving his gifts to his teacher and teacher's aid, he loves them both!

They decorated cookie plates for Santa, made marshmallow snowmen, made Christmas cards, and made reindeer food.

Mrs. Faulkenberry gave all the kids a holiday activity big book and a book about snowmen :)

All the yummy food that we had! I made waffles for all the kids in the room, it was yummy!

Colin and his best buddy, Braley :)

Colin loves Mrs. Faulkenberry and Mrs. Norris! They have done a great job with his so far this year, he is learning so much :)

They sang a few songs for the parents. C was all the way in the back, which I didn't like . . . but he actually sang all the songs and danced when he was supposed to which I LOVED!!!

I loved being able to help with C's party and all the other activities at his school so far this year. It has been such a blessing to me and to him ;) I can't believe he is already halfway through his kindergarten year!!!

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